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GA January 2015


Contract Agents consolidated their objectives in relation to DG HR

On 28 January 2015, at the meeting organised in Brussels, Contract Agents discussed their three objectives / priorities for 2015, asking the representatives of Collectif des Contractuels to negotiate with the administration of DG HR the following:

1. Immediate Measures in early 2015:

1.1 Internal competitions for CAs before June 2015
1.2 Internal exams for reclassifications of CAs (grades and steps)
1.3 Clarification of the 7 years rule legal basis (why not make it 10, in order to positively impact our pension scheme?)
1.4 A legal solution must also be found to enable an equal treatment between CAs with a full CAST, CAs without a full CAST and CAs without CAST
1.5 External competitions for specialists in areas were the Commission should keep high levels of competence
1.6 Standardisation of recruitment practice in terms of grading in Executive Agencies.

2. Contract Agent Career Planning:

2.1 Regular planning of internal and external competitions and internal exams of reclassification every 2 years
2.2 Standardisation of contracts renewal (1 + 2 + 3 years) across the services
2.3 Evaluation standards and annual reporting on performance, for CAs
2.4 Enhanced mobility schemes amongst all the Commission services, the Offices and the Executive Agencies.
2.5 Internal job market for CAs who consider becoming permanent officials

3. Serious HR Policy applicable to All Contract Agents:

There are over 6000 CAs in the Commission, the Offices and the executive agencies, representing a significant percent of all Commission staff. Such a large number of staff deserves a long-term win-win policy (the Commission should make the most out of the CAs and that the CAs should make the most out of their job at the Commission).

We are calling for volunteers amongst all staff, including high grade officials, to be part of our first open communication campaign to support the three objectives mentioned above. You can participate by sending a photo of yourself holding a cardboard with the following message:

I am (your function e.g. Head of Unit) and I support a consistent HR Policy in the interest of my service

Groups/teams/units can also send photos with similar content (e.g. “We are X Team and we support a consistent HR Policy in the interest of our service”).

By sending your photo to us, via e-mail you also agree that Collectif des Contractuels is entitled to use it during its communication campaigns.

We warmly invite you to actively support our 3 objectives by spreading the news and by being present, in large numbers, at the next events organised in Brussels. News on the negotiation process will follow soon.

2015 is the Year of Action for Contract Agents

Photos of the meeting on Jan 2015, 28th

Invitation to the meeting


Contract Agents will act decisively in 2015

At the meeting organised on 7 January, the contract agents supported by the Collectif des Contractuels decided unanimously to put forward their priorities, in a more decisive manner.

The contract agents’ priorities for 2015 are presented in detail in the Call/Petition which was signed by 5500 individuals, so far. The full text of the petition is available here.

The Collectif believes that since the new staff regulations entered into force on 1 January 2014, insufficient steps have been taken to implement the new regulations and develop a comprehensive modern policy for contractual agents in the Commission, the EEAS and the executive agencies.

The Collectif requests the following:

1. Immediate Measures in early 2015


Internal competitions for CAs.


Internal exams for reclassifications of CAs.


Clarification of the 7 years rule legal basis.


A legal solution must also be found to enable an equal treatment between CAs with a full CAST, CAs without a full CAST and CAs without CAST.


External competitions for specialists in areas were the Commission should keep high levels of competence.


Standardisation of recruitment practices in terms of grading in Executive Agencies.

2. Contract Agent Career Planning


Regular planning of internal and external competitions and internal exams of reclassification every 2 years.


Standardisation of contracts renewal (1 + 2 + 3 years) across the services.


Improvement of career prospects through enhanced mobility schemes between the Commission services, the EEAS, the Offices and the Executive Agencies.

3. Serious HR Policy applicable to All Contract Agents

There are 6000 CAs in the Commission, representing 18 % of all Commission staff plus CAs in the EEAS, Offices and executive agencies. Such a large number of staff deserve a long-term win-win policy where the Commission makes the most out of the CAs and the CAs make the most out of their job in the Commission.

We warmly invite you to actively support the three objectives above by spreading the news and by being present, in large numbers, at the event organised on

28 January 2015, 12h45

at Rue de la Loi 80 in the large CCP room,

where we will ask DG HR to start a serious work on these three requests.

2015 is the Year of Action for contract agents


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